
Power of Data Science in AdTech: Meet Mayukh Maitra

Mayukh Maitra Data Science

In the intricate world of Advertising Technology (AdTech), every piece of consumer behavior data, ad impression, and digital user journey is meticulously analyzed to derive meaningful insights and shape marketing strategies. At the core of this analytical engine, driving it forward, lies data science—a force that goes beyond mere algorithms and computations. Data science in AdTech is about crafting narratives, predicting trends, optimizing ad investments, and creating highly targeted campaigns.

One individual stands out in this realm, consistently pushing the boundaries of data science in AdTech and catalyzing change on a macro scale – Mayukh Maitra. With over 5 years of industry experience as a data scientist, Mayukh currently serves at Walmart, showcasing his talent in advanced analytics across various domains, including healthcare research and media mix modeling.

Mayukh’s journey into data science began in healthcare, where his passion for data-driven techniques yielded significant results. He employed advanced analytics to improve patient care, optimize treatment regimens, and identify early disease patterns. Utilizing Markov models, he evaluated complex healthcare systems and treatment outcomes, driving evidence-based decisions, optimizing resources, and enhancing patient outcomes. His expertise lay in building and implementing these models to simulate disease progression, evaluate treatments, and estimate cost-effectiveness, leading to better-informed decisions and improved patient care.

In the AdTech arena, Mayukh’s focus lies in maximizing the effectiveness of digital advertising campaigns. By leveraging data insights, he enhances targeting tactics and tailors user experiences. Genetic algorithms and multi-objective optimization techniques become his tools of choice for media mix modeling, integrating digital, social, print, and television channels to boost campaign efficacy and Return On Investment (ROI).

What sets Mayukh apart is his continuous drive to innovate and expand the scope of data science tools. He designed and implemented evolutionary algorithms to optimize media and budget allocation, factoring in objectives like return on ad spend (ROAS), model error, and cost efficiency. This novel approach to media mix modeling, based on genetic algorithms inspired by natural selection, revolutionized media contribution.

Mayukh’s expertise in media mix modeling is complemented by his deep understanding of external factors that impact business outcomes, such as seasonality, macroeconomic trends, and special events. To tackle the complexities of interrelationships between these factors and media tactics, he incorporates techniques like regression analysis, time series analysis, and multi-objective optimization. This integration enables him to capture complex relationships between media channels, consumer behavior, and marketing outcomes, leading to more accurate predictions and informed decision-making.

Beyond his immediate work, Mayukh’s media mix modeling algorithm has been widely adopted by Walmart Connect and other data scientists, solving media mix modeling problems for numerous advertisers. He actively mentors early-career data scientists, PhD students in Data Science, and startups in the domain through 1-1 sessions at Criya.

Data visualization is another passion for Mayukh, seeing it as a means to transform complex datasets into visually appealing representations that convey valuable insights. His visual storytelling persuades stakeholders of the value of data-driven strategies, fostering a deeper understanding of the data and inspiring change.

Mayukh’s influence extends to the academic community as well, as an expert contributor and author at Dataversity, and serving as a judge and committee member at various peer-reviewed conferences. He also sits on the jury for professional awards like the Globee 18th Annual 2023 Information Technology World Awards and the Globee 8th Annual 2023 American Best in Business Awards. His unwavering commitment to learning is evident in his active participation in hackathons, such as the Datathon Hack at UC Irvine and SB Hacks at UC Santa Barbara.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Mayukh works on a non-profit called TogetherThrive Foundation, aiming to create a community of legally empowered and socially uplifted individuals. Using the power of data and machine learning, he endeavors to make society, especially women, more legally aware and contribute to the social good.

Mayukh Maitra is an exemplary figure in the dynamic world of AdTech, demonstrating the immense potential of data science to enhance advertising returns and shape the industry’s future. His passion, talent, and commitment to the field serve as an inspiration to fellow data scientists and the broader community alike.

Source: FreePressJournal

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